Thursday, April 4, 2013


Harper has been begging to outside for the last couple of weeks. Although the snow has pretty much been gone for a while, the cold temperatures prevented us from going outside. It finally warmed up enough for Harper to play outside - and she took advantage of the weather. It started with Harper playing outside at daycare. When I picked her up that evening she was excited to get back outside the building. However, she wasn't nearly as excited about getting in the car and made it clear that she wanted to be outside. Once home, I let her walk up to the door - which was great until she took her first step inside of the house. Once she realized that she was back inside, she freaked out and began screaming and banging on the door. Her intentions were pretty clear so we let her play in the back yard while Ross worked on cleaning up from this winter's storms. Harper learned to climb up and slide down her toy all by herself - which was pretty impressive to us! She walked around and helped dad rake and let her do some additional work with a beach bucket and sand rake. She even found her shadow. Harper really enjoyed her time outside and I predict that we will be outside all spring, summer and fall!

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