Sunday, January 20, 2013

15 Months Old

Little Ms. Harper turned 15 months old over the weekend. I thought the first 12 months went fast, but the last three have seriously flown by us! Some things have changed and some have stayed the same.
  • Scooting and crawling. Harper has finally conformed and has learned how to crawl. She will typically crawl on carpet and then scoot when it comes to the hardwood and tile floor. She can cruise around the room while holding onto something or someone. Physically, she is ready to walk - she has good muscle control and balance. However, mentally she still needs a finger to hold for comfort.
  • Meal times can be challenging. Harper is all or nothing - sometimes she really likes the meal and will gobble up an impressive amount. Other times, she would prefer not to take more than one bite. Instead of eating her food, she will often throw it down to the ground for Riley to eat. We've implemented a two strike rule - after the 2nd item falls to the ground, she is done eating. It sounds tough...but I don't think she minds since she wasn't planning to eat it anyways.
  • Favorite Foods.... She really likes hot dogs right now. Bananas and pears are still considered tasty and she really enjoys Apple Cranberry juice. She has shown interest in eating Dad's cereal with milk so we will be starting to work on using a spoon soon! 
  • Vocabulary. Harper is still a child with few works. Momma and Dadda are commonly used. She also tries to say Dog and Juice. Her sign language skills....are, well, not great. She will tell us she's Hungry and then immediately throw her snack on the floor. Or, tell us she is All Done and immediately eat another bite of food.
  • The small and mighty. Harper recently stopped into the doctors office for an ear check. They put her on the scale and she weighed 21 lb 14 oz (fully clothed). She's a peanut! She's still in size three diapers, wearing size 3 shoes and 12-18 month clothing. One thing that is growing is her hair - we've moved to putting it up on most days. 

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