Sunday, September 2, 2012

ISU Game

We attended the first Iowa State Football game of the 2012 season this weekend. We met the Harrison and Langfalds at the stadium before the game for some family friend tailgating. The Harrison's are seasoned tailgaters and bring an amazing set up so we were happy to crash their party. Even more impressive than their awesome setup, was the fact that Amber's due date was only 2 days away! She is a hardcore ISU fan! The Harrison's had to make an early departure from the pre-game festivities when Amber's water broke! It was an exciting element to the day and that night their daughter, Genevieve Adelyn, was born. 

This was Harper's first sporting event and we were nervous about how she would react to the crowds, the noise and being outside all day. Not only was Harper a trooper for the entire day, she LOVED every minute of it! She thought the tailgate party was a blast and enjoyed watching Bryker play and tasted a few tailgating treats. She rode over to the game on Ross's shoulders - she smiled the entire way over. During the game we sat on the hillside which allowed her to sit on the blanket and stretch out a little. She munched on some cheerios and drank water and continued to people watch. She would frequently get excited when the fans around us would cheer. To top off a great day, Iowa State won! I think Harper had a great start as an ISU fan and we will definitely be attending more games as a family in the future.

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