Friday, November 11, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Harper had a check up again this week. She had been having some difficulties gaining weight, so we have been to her doctor every week for a weight check. Harper was 8 lbs 2 oz when she was born and 7 lbs 4 oz when we left the hospital two days later. We visited her doctor, Dr. Amy Peterson, a few days later to weigh her and she was back up to 7 lbs 14 oz. However, over a week later, Harper was only up another few ounces - weighing exactly 8 lbs. So, Dr. Peterson, asked us to come back again in a week for another weight check.

Harper and I worked really hard at eating over the next week. Harper even put herself on a 3 hour schedule. This schedule helped her gain some much needed weight. The schedule was tough on me and Ross - sleeping for an hour or two at a time doesn't leave a person well rested! But, all the sleepless nights and big meals paid off - Harper weighed in at 8 lb 15 oz at her next check up! The goal for newborns is an ounce a day - so gaining 15 ounces is a week is awesome. Ross and I were super excited that she was back where she needed to be in regards to weight. She isn't the plumpest baby (yet!), but she is in the 57% for weight now! Now that we figured out what she needs, I predict lots of growth in the coming weeks! 

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