Wednesday, February 27, 2013


We were blessed to receive 10" of snow over the last 36 hours (instead of the 1"-3" that was predicted).It was warm enough to take Harper outside to play when the snow finally stopped. We bundled her up in snow pants, jacket, boots, mittens and hat before plopping her in the sled. Harper wasn't sure about sledding at first. However, after she saw Riley bounding through the snow next to her, she let out a giggle and smiled. We spent 30 minutes playing outside - all of that time was spent sledding. She loved to go around and around in the yard. At one point she got a little snow on her face but otherwise didn't want to actually touch the white stuff.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our Funny Valentine

This year we celebrated Valentines Day with Harper. Harper and Mommy went shopping for a present and card for Daddy the week before. Harper picked out a Minnie Mouse card for her Dad and then insisted on holding it until we check out. In addition, she grabbed him a bag of M&Ms. A few days later Harper signed the card - she a great job writing on it! 

On Valentines Day, Harper enjoyed a tasty cupcake after daycare. Well, she enjoyed the frosting and put the cake off to the side of her tray - either way, she thought it was yummy. After dinner, she read her Sesame Street book from her Great-Grandparents and later listened to Ross read her a Disney story. She will often pick a book out for us to read to her and then a separate one for her to play with while she listens. She retired early - a busy day for such a little girl. 

Monday, February 11, 2013


It’s official – Harper can walk! Harper has been making progress for the last couple of weeks. She has been strong enough to carefully squat down to the floor and stand back up for quite a while. Although she has been strong enough, she was hesitant to walk without holding on to someone or something. Over the last few weeks, we managed to convince her to walk around 6 feet in between us – which she thought was pretty fun. And, then today, she just took off. She went from walking a handful of steps to walking from one end of the house to the other! Our little angle is mobile!

Scrubba Scrubba

Harper is still a nut in the bathtub. She really enjoys playing with all of her toys and loves to scoot all around the tub. She also thinks its fun to stand up and splash the water with her feet and give us kisses. She has learned the art of scrubba scrubba – meaning using the wash cloth to wash her belly, legs, feet and arms. One thing she is NOT a fan of is washing her hair - and she is quite vocal on the subject. Overall it's still a good experience and she always gives the baby in the mirror a smile on the way out of the bathroom.

Bottle Tester

Harper is down to one bottle a day - we have a evening bottle as part of her bedtime routine. Sadly she is at the age where it's time to stop giving it to her - she doesn't need it but we (Harper, Mom and Dad) are all going to miss it! Harper has become an active participant in the bottle making process. When she is getting tired, she will scoot into the kitchen and point at the cupboard to tell us it's time for her evening snack. We then hold her while making the bottle and she will daintily stick her finger into the stream of milk and then taste the milk. It's precious. We like to think she is tasting it to make sure its good. Once the bottle has been poured, we microwave it to heat it up. (I remember the days when I would gasp in horror at the idea of microwaving a bottle - ha!). Harper even helps us shut the door and 48 seconds later, her bottle is ready to enjoy! Since this loved tradition will be ending soon, we took a video to capture it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snow Day, Again

Harper is really enjoying daycare's policy on closing when the schools close for bad weather. We (Harper and Mom) spent the day together last week - and let me tell you, Harper is a VERY busy gal. I was ready for a nap by the time Ross got home from work!  Below are just a few of the things she did on her day off....

Unrolling Toilet Paper Rolls 

Some Light Reading

Reviewing Diaper Inventory

Converting Ball Popper into Ball Cannon

Cleaning Out Tupperware

Super Bowl 2013

We watched the Super Bowl at home this year. The 49ers played the Raiders Ravens. Prior to the game, we let Harper choose our team - we figured it would be good to see if she has a future as a gambler. We put two identical bowls on the floor and mentally labeled them. Harper choose the 49ers. Unfortunately, Harper's team wasn't victorious...but it didn't really matter too much since most of the game was spent playing and snuggling.